Our Vision

In addition to supporting our local Endurance Team at national and international competitions, our vision is to provide proper footwear for student athletes enabling them to focus on pursuing their athletic goals.  The student athletes in need are nominated by their schools’ coaches when they are seen as a potential beneficiary.  We are highly motivated to develop this program that allows more students to discover their athletic talents and explore the possibilities which running allows. 

With your help, we will be able to achieve our mission and to reach a larger amount of student athletes, ensuring each nominated athlete can participate in Track and Field and/or Cross Country events.   

Donations to Sierra Endurance Sports Corporation may be deductible under (IRC) Section 170.

Please contact me via email or by phone if you would like to discuss more details.      

We look forward to making a difference in our local students lives. 


Matt and Aimee Balzer
Directors, Sierra Endurance Sports Corporation

Sierra Endurance Sports

To foster national and international amateur sports competition by developing and supporting athletes to be competitive at the highest levels of competition in running, swimming, and biking